‘Art School Types’, 2023

The art school... is one of the original building blocks of modern British civic life, key to the growth of accessible education and training, and a vital component in the democratisation of participation in the arts and culture.
John Beck and Matthew Cornford of 'The Art School Project'

Curated by Nick Slater - director of LU Arts - 'Art School Types' is a site-specific artwork that celebrates the past and future of 'The Generator' in Loughborough. The words:
explore the timeless attraction of entering the building, the atmosphere and learning that happens within, and then how one goes out into the world afterwards. The project was funded by LU Arts and Arts Council England.

Thanks to: Nick Slater, Raff & Sonya Russo, CIC Loughborough, Jill Vincent, Peter Wheeler, Matthew Cornford, John Beck, Arts Council England, Hannah Day, Miffy Ryan, Stephen Raw, Ben Brierley, Matt Bick, Hannah Furnival and Marine Duroselle.

Previous project
‘Welcome Sideboard’, 2021
New, large entrance cupboard entirely clad – inside and out – in hand-made tiles. Made to order for The New Craftsmen

Next project
‘Clay Station’, 2018
Collaboration with Assemble for commission by Art on the Underground. 1500+ hand-made tiles clad a kiosk at Seven Sisters Station, London