‘The Welcome Table’, 2022

Launched at The New Craftsmen's 'Claylarks' group exhibition during London Design Festival 2021, the Welcome Table is a new piece and an extension of my Welcome range.
I was part of a group that went mudlarking on the banks of the Thames to inspire the creation of the work for the show. The history of trade, movement and what remains was an amazing discovery. We also worked with The Museum of London and their foreshore finds to give more historical understanding.
The table has gone on to be shown at Collect 2022 and Artefact at London Design Centre.
This table is game-changing.
Courtney Bishop, Interior Designer

Thanks to: Kathy Lacour, Catherine Lock, Tom Hatfield, Daniel Bradley, Travis Dinsmore, Danielle Thom and Mike Webber

Previous project
‘Listen Here Flower’, 2019
Residency with John Booth at Amastan, Paris. Collaborative and interactive tiled mural created in direct response to Brexit bollocks

Next project
‘Tactile Change’, 2019
Arts Council England supported solo show at The Gallery at Plymouth College of Art exploring societal progress